I was at the gym the other day when someone I know was having a chat. It was all about what to do for his 25th Birthday Party. I mentioned that I owned a Party Cruise Sydney company. I said that could help him and it was perfect for his special day.
His first reaction was " Nah mate to expensive and not really my thing " I thought to my self far enough it not everyone’s cup of tea. Didn’t see him for a couple of weeks and then bumped into him again. He had obviously been thinking about it and asked me for a few more details.
I all start by saying the more guys you get to attend the cheaper it is per head. I say if you can get 20 guys to attend you are in the ballpark of getting a really great deal with all the trimmings. When I explained what the rough prices would be the person he said and I quote. “I spend more than that on a Saturday night “ That was my point exactly.
When you break it down with food alcohol a boat or a venue with waitresses and a show a party cruise Sydney is the way to go. Whether it's for a Birthday or Bucks Party it’s the new Uber in town. When I showed him a few pictures of the boats and waitresses he couldn’t believe what I was showing him.
I got the usual “So I can get all this, unlimited alcohol and Food plus a few waitresses and a showgirl plus a Party Cruise ?” Yes, Yes and Yes. I had been doing this as a profession for many years and could help him every step of the way.
He had his party cruise Sydney last weekend. I received a text message on Sunday morning with a big smiley face on it and that’s all. I knew my job was done and fun was had by all. I went to the gym today and I stopped him in the corner working out. I ran up to me like a little school kid. He looked like a cat that all the cream.
I couldn’t shut him up for 15 minutes as he told me all about a party cruise Sydney and how good it was lol. It just goes to show how preconceived ideas can stop you doing something that is actually a lot easier than you think. I bit of faith and some research can go a long way nowadays.
The moral of the story is “ Try it you might like it "